Here's our breakfast from this morning. We had a small pineapple sitting around so I chopped it up and threw it in the blender with some banana and kiwi and a handful of flax seeds. So what gives it that lovely pink color? Freshly squeezed blood oranges. It was very yummy.
Meredith over at Poppy Fields tagged me for a meme. I'm hot and cold on memes but since I am still sniffling and coughing away while I try to catch up on work, I welcome the opportunity to post just a little something...or 7 weird little somethings about me.
1) I was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I guess there is nothing particularly weird about this except the word always gets funny reactions. Especially in France.
2) I once changed my name to Sadie for almost a whole year. I think it was 2002. I was just fed up with Sarah and I had always liked the nickname Sadie, so that is how I started introducing myself. All of my co-workers stopped calling me Sarah. I was Sadie. But it felt weird. Every time I introduced myself, something in the back of mind was saying, "no, that's actually not my name..." And so, back to Sarah it was again.
3) I really don't mind eating moldy things. I don't usually eat the mold but I am very willing to push mold aside and continue eating whatever it was living on.
4) I love cold spaghetti for breakfast. This grosses Tibo out so I never eat it anymore but I love it. Got that from my dad.
I can't stand licking anything that's made of wood. Wooden spoons, wooden popsicle sticks. You name it. I hate the feeling of the wood on my tongue. (Thanks
Kristen for reminding me of this one!)
6) I was the Monopoly champion of my home town when I was around 10. I think that's the age. I don't know how I did it but I won and had my picture in the newspaper. My dad still has the article, maybe he'll scan it so I can share it.
7) I got my ears pierced when I was 26 years old. I was always kind of scared of the whole "gun" apparatus mostly because I am afraid of needles. But one day, Tibo and walked past this little shop and he said "let's do it right now!" He held my hand and it was all over very quickly and painlessly. I'm so happy I did it because I love earrings.
Technically I am supposed to post the rules for this meme but you can read them over here at Meredith's blog. Also, according to the rules, I am supposed to tag 7 other people but I think most people have already done this meme. For good measure, I'll pass the baton to two on my blogroll who haven't updated in over a week: La Rêveuse and Stefanie - but no obligation ladies...and if anyone else out there needs a quick post, please feel free to share 7 weird things about yourself. I know I am interested.
And just because I like it: